888 Colombo Street

ENGCO was appointed to provide comprehensive civil engineering design services on a new residential development.
ENGCO was appointed to provide comprehensive civil engineering design services on a new residential development.
Civil engineering services included stormwater, wastewater, water supply and pavement design, as well as construction monitoring and sign-off.
The development consists of 70 new mid-to-high end residential dwellings, access road and parking areas.
The development was affected by 10% AEP, 1% AEP and 0.5% AEP flood event. By conducting a detailed site investigation
and reporting the Council agreed with the finding that the 10% AEP hazard notice could be removed. ENGCO prepared a 3D ground and a Flood Model, from which were able to mitigate flood risk on the development site as well as flood displacement on neighbouring properties.
The 3D model optimised the earthwork by mitigating flood risk and ensure stormwater runoff is managed during all storm events.
Significant cost savings on pump systems as well as increased building heights with complex foundations.
Project Lead_
Deon Marais
Figure and Ground