Fletcher Living Superlot1
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Fletcher Living Superlot 1

Fletcher Living Superlot1

Structural design of the 7-building development as part of the East Frame Residential Development in the Christchurch CBD.

The apartment blocks consist of three story precast concrete shear walls, with conventional concrete/steel floors.
The apartments are founded on ground beams over stone pile ground improvement.

The townhouse blocks consist of lightweight timber construction
with timber joisted floors and steel portal frames. The townhouses are founded on Ribrafts over driven timber piles.

Utilising 3D structural seismic modeling techniques, we have optimised the response of the structure including the soil-structure interaction, to achieve an efficient wall layout.

Using ductile precast concrete shear walls on the apartment buildings allowed the architect to make use of the open spaces and provided flexibility for the apartment floor layouts.

Working collaboratively with Herriot Melhuish O’Neill Architects to optimise the structural system of the buildings within the constraints of the floor layouts, we were able to keep the structural systems of the buildings simple and cost-effective.

Project Lead_
Julian Addington

Herriot Melhuish O’Neill Architects