Southpark Developments Terracat Sime Darby Christchurch
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Southpark Developments

Southpark Developments Terracat Sime Darby Christchurch
Southpark Developments Terracat Sime Darby Christchurch
Southpark Developments Terracat Sime Darby Christchurch

ENGCO was appointed to provide comprehensive civil engineering design services on a 4-hectare industrial site.

The primary site included a yard slab covering 1-hectare, accommodating heavy mining and construction equipment, with track loads up to 110 tons.

Civil engineering services included stormwater, wastewater, water supply and pavement design, construction monitoring and sign-off.

The 1Ha pavement would be subject to heavy vehicles with steel tracks and as a result, would cause considerable damage to a conventional slab.

A large and costly stormwater system would have been required to manage stormwater runoff and meet the tenant’s carbon reduction targets.

The initial proposal was to construct a steel fibre-reinforced slab. However, the tenant raised health and safety concerns resulting in a more traditional slab design. Due to the required amount of control joints and armoured edging it added significant cost to the project. ENGCO worked collaboratively with the stakeholders and designed a concrete slab with two layers of SE91 reinforcing, optimised thickness, and eliminated the need for control joints and saw cuts.

The on-site stormwater design encompassed rainwater harvesting (designed by others) and on-site disposal. With the use of surrounding soakage tests, a design was completed. Working in collaboration with the developer, additional testing was conducted across the site at specific depths. Higher soakage rates were found, reducing infrastructure significantly. Additionally, the rainwater harvesting was removed, and the carbon target was met due the recharge of the aquifer and use of the existing borehole.

The tenant is provided with a development and yard slab to withstand the operational elements within the developer’s available project budget.

The developer saved more than $150k on infrastructure design costs.

Project Lead_
Deon Marais

TSE Architects