Civil | Community | Multi-discipline | Nelson | Structural
Titiraukawa Nursery

Design and construction supervision of the Ngāti Kuia, Titiraukawa Nursery construction project.
Design and construction supervision of the Ngāti Kuia, Titiraukawa Nursery construction project.
Civil design encompassed designing long term sustainable infrastructure for the Kaikaiāwaro Charitable Trust Board. This included 3D surface model and earthworks design, access road design and detailing suitable for B-Train/heavy vehicles.
Culvert design, managing stormwater flow from the upstream catchment and on-site wastewater treatment and disposal fields.
Water supply, including a water bore, raw water and UV treated 1000m3 water storage consisting of water bladders to be used for irrigation.
Stormwater, water, wastewater, power and phone reticulation detailing and coordination.
Complex water supply requirements.
Short design timeframe and construction program.
Limited construction budget, requiring optimisation of funds and resources and client-focused solutions.
Pragmatic approach to produce a low-cost solution for bulk water supply storage.
Designing solutions to be robust and sustainable.
Maximising the use of local resources including site won soils and river quarried rock.
Working in collaboration with the design and construction team, the project was delivered on time and to budget.
Project Lead_
Josiah Thompson (Structural)
Deon Marais (Civil)
JTB Architects
Ngāti Kuia